but does it make me a bad person?

I have a confession to make.

I’m moving soon, you see, so I’m currently in the middle of a packing/house-clearing jag. And lots of stuff has gone or is going to charity (or those clothes-recyling bins), and earlier I… put my first ever knitted jumper into the charity bag. It was a heart-wrenching decision, honestly. But I really am trying to purge my belongings, and while that jumper was a huge milestone, knitting-wise, it’s also an item that I haven’t worn once since I made it which is boxy, heavy, and really truly unflattering. Was I right to do it? Oh well, too late now, anyway.

On a happier note, look what’s blocking on my very-home-made blocking board right now! (a tiny note of cheer amongst the chaos of my packing)

A tiny tiny tanktop! There’s a reason for knitting a tanktop for this particular newborn baby, rather than, say, the traditional booties. But I’ll go into that when it’s finished. In the meantime it just cheers me up by existing, and being so goddamn cute.

ETA: Oops, I meant to say first, thank you so much for all the lovely encouraging comments on my somewhat-altered somewhat cowl. You’ve all reassured me that I made the right call.

ETA2: Eek, la glitz has guilted me into another addition. The jumper’s still in the bag by the front door, and won’t actually be taken to the charity recyling place until Saturday. It’s this jumper here, and probably contains about five and a half skeins of Rowanspun Chunky. So, if anyone reading is weeping at the thought of me binning all that 100 per cent wool and fidgeting in their chair thinking of all the fabulous things they could make with it, comment here and it can be yours! I’d be delighted to post the jumper to someone who’d rip out the yarn and reuse it in something better. In the unlikely event that any of you fancy it it’ll be first come first served, but comment before Saturday or it’ll be too late.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Anonymous says:

    Awwww, darling! It is indeed a sad moment, isn’t it? Would it make you feel better if I reminded you that not only my first, but also my second ever jumpers went out in the charity bag in the course of the move? And both were from SnB, too. Silly boxy patterns, what were we to know? (Of course, both of mine were knitted in unfrogabble, unrescuable mohair. Had I ordered Rowan yarn specially for the projects, I might well have ripped it back and used it for something sexier with cables, in keeping with winter 06’s keynote knits. I’m just sayin’.)


  2. Theresa says:

    Funny, I’m thinking about doing the same thing with some of my early sweaters. I never ever wear them . . . and they could keep someone warm, right?


  3. Jenn says:

    Very cute tank! 🙂 And naw giving up your first knit sweater doesnt make you a bad person… you werent wearing it, and the fact it can keep someone else warm make you a good person. 🙂


  4. felinity says:

    I know, I know. I did think quite hard (for, ooh, at least several minutes) about whether I would be prepared to rip it out and re-use the yarn. But I knew in my heart of hearts that I wouldn’t — I’m not actually very taken with the Rowanspun chunky. It knits up quite stiff and a little bit scratchy.That said, technically the jumper is still in the charity bag <>by the front door<>, so if you wanted the yarn, or if anybody else did, I’d be more than happy to post the jumper to you for ripping and reusing! In fact I’ll add a note to this post to that effect, first come first served.If nobody does, though, off to the recycling place it goes on Saturday. And as Theresa and Jenn both reassuringly say, at least it’ll hopefully be keeping someone else warm, instead of being wasted in my wardrobe (for its faults, it is <>extremely<> warm).


  5. Anonymous says:

    OK, I waited a whole day to see if my conscience BIT. And it didn’t! I am a shameless wretch! Please send me the jumper, and I promise you a lovely housewarming pressie. It mightn’t even be knit out of that yarn…


  6. felinity says:

    Hee! OK lovely, consider it yours. I have rescued it from the recycling bag already just in case anybody else over-zealously takes it to the recycling point before Saturday. Can’t wait to see the lovely chic item you make from it! Good luck, and enjoy.


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