Post of the unfinished

I’ve been a bit neglectful of this blog recently, apologies, *pats blog*. I’m in the early days of my latest knitting obsession but I also have several unfinished projects hanging around and taunting me, and perhaps putting them down in black and white (or, rather, green) and illustrating them with pictures will serve as a reminder until they (one day) taunt so loudly that I actually finish them.

This is about six inches of Liesel. I think I started it in February — I was between projects and the only significant amount of yarn I had to hand was four skeins of Rowan Cork (a gift from Rowan for signing up for a year). It kept my interest for about three nights until I realised that I should really get cracking on the Alphabet Blanket instead.

And this is one of the projects started immediately after said blanket. It’s a half-sized version of Via Diagonale, using leftover Rowan Glace from my Peppermint Twist, and is actually lots of fun to knit. I think I stopped because I couldn’t decide quite what I’m going to do with it. (it’ll be a ridiculously impractical little purse thing, clearly, but should I use a zip to fasten it? a clasp? long handles or short ones? ooh, I just don’t know)

This is one project that I didn’t think I’d get disheartened with, because (not that you can really tell from this picture) it’s a pretty lace scarf pattern made from the fabulous Handmaiden Seasilk I bought a couple of months ago. The dip in enthusiasm came about when it became painfully apparent that, despite being 500 metres per hank, it wasn’t going to hold out for the long, elegant scarf I’d planned (my knitting maths went very very wrong). Currently it’s about 30 inches long and I’m not convinced that there’s more than 10 inches left in the yarn. Bah. So instead of finishing it and living with it I’ve taken the mature attitude and buried it at the bottom of my knitting basket.

But this is the item I’m working on right now. A few days at my parents’ this week has had the usual effect (brought about by delicious peace and quiet and a regular supply of tea) of kick-starting another big knitting project. It’s my first jumper since last December and is a chic little top-down raglan number. I’ve thrown caution to the wind and am using the most decadent cream silk yarn which is utterly utterly gorgeous.

(“Ah don’t worry,” twinkled the little old lady behind the counter as I handed over my last hope of a mortgage this decade, “it’s only money.” Ha.)

It is very beautiful, and although I’m remembering already why stocking stitch is such an agonising thing to knit (really the most elegant material, but also the most dull) it should certainly keep me occupied for a month or two (or much longer, on current form). I have high hopes that this one won’t be joining the unfinished and untouched pile.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Have a look on Green Clementine. There is a surprise for you 🙂x


  2. Liesel is looking lovely … are you wearing it yet??? I also have a huge pile of unfinished items taunting me ….


  3. felinity says:

    Thank you, but sadly not! It remains just as unfinished as it appears in that photo. I might attempt to finish it for this winter. It <>is<> a very pretty pattern


  4. biasmary says:

    Yes, I know I’m a month overdue commenting on this journal, but re: that Liesel pattern: set aside a <>few hours<> every day? Who has a few hours to set aside?! Half an hour I can understand, a few minutes I can understand, but surely there’s something wrong with your life if A FEW HOURS every day doesn’t cut drastically into your social and professional life?OK, OK, as a PhD student I probably do knit for a few hours every day – but I’m not <>proud<> of it!


  5. felinity says:

    Quite. And I think this is why I’m such a slow knitter, unless I can devote most of a weekend to one project — I just don’t <>have<> a few hours a day spare, or if I do I don’t <>necessarily<> want to spend them knitting.


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